
Sunday, 29 August 2021

Taku Wairua session online - Pillar of Belonging

Can you spot our Taku Wairua crew ?? 
Nat, Taine and Nina.
Today we shared pepeha and why it is important to give ourselves a sense of belonging.
Our home task is to find out more about our family tree and hopefully a story we can share from a grandparent about the past.


Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Boggle Time Challenge

 Here are the letters to make as many words as you can from. Work with your family too. Post your best words in the comment section. It will be interesting to see what we come up with as a class...

Sunday, 22 August 2021

 We've clocked up 10,000 website views! Woohoo!!

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Lockdown 2021


Staying home. Staying safe. Being kind. Working together. Beating the virus!!
We had our first Zoom today... August 19th, 2021
Look at all these smiling faces!!

Keep an eye on this blog for more sharing by our fantastic Ruru class.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Taku Wairua #1 - Jessie Smith - BMX World Champ visits


So cool to have Jessie Smith, BMX World Champion for under 19s visit us on the first Taku Wairua session. 

We learnt about the four pillars of the programme - belonging, goal setting, self discovery and Citizenship.

See Jessie's video below....

Sunday, 13 June 2021

School Cross Country

 Last Thursday our school cross country was held. We had ideal weather and this made for some really great racing! See the comments bar below for different perspectives on the day by our runners.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Rugby / Netball Fun Day

 The Rugby / Netball Fun Day was held on Tuesday 25th May at Campbell Park in Morrinsville.

Our two rugby teams played 4 games each. As a school team, the players ranged from regular Saturday club players, to those new to rugby and giving it a go. Extra effort shout out for Campbell, Baxtah and Jamie, who made up the numbers by playing for both teams.
As the title stated "Fun" was the order of the day. No scores were kept and fairplay nominations were drawn out for spot prizes at the conclusion.
What showed through was resilience and perseverance from the players. They held firm to their Tatuanui School values and showed these in their relationships with teammates, opponents, referees and supporters.Well done to our rugby players!  Proud of you all. Mr H.

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Science Roadshow

 All Year 5 & 6 students attended the Science Roadshow at Morrinsville College yesterday (13th May).

It was a blast!!

Add a comment about the science exhibit you liked the best and why, and the part of the Science Show you enjoyed most.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

A Special Puppy Visitor!

 Faith and her Mum brought their new puppy into class for a share.

Comment below about what you thought of this experience.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Nano-Chem Experiment - Making Glow Worms

 We used the Science Kit for the first time. We collaborated in groups and followed the instructions. The chemicals combined to cause a reaction. The blankets made a dark space to view the glow!

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Bottle Rocket Experiment

 Today we experimented with a bottle rocket. Kereru class came and watched too. Write a comment below as to what you learnt.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Candle on the Water

 This morning we talked about en experiment having a hypothesis. A hypothesis is making a prediction. Taking a reasonable guess. 

We talked about a hypothesis to do with a glass over a candle in water.

Read our special comments below...   😎

About to place the glass over the candle...

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Egg Experiment


What did you learn from todays science experiment??

Egg Experiment in SLOW motion...

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Puppy Visit

 Thanks Shanaye and Ella-Rose for sharing your puppies with our class.

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Typing Practise

Dance Mat Typing 

This website for practise...

How many words per minute can you type?

This site for testing your speed per minute... 

Another useful website for typing practise is Typing Club. 

Click the link 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Horahora Domain Deep Water Experience


What was the part you particularly enjoyed on this day? Describe with strong details.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

ASB Get Wise


Callum from ASB Get Wise financial literacy programme

What we learnt from Callum today... check our comments ;)